Bail for Felony Charges
Crime doesn’t pay, but commit a crime, and you will pay – a lot! Especially when you’ve been arrested on felony charges, as the bail for felony charges is often an exorbitant amount by most standards. So, how do you get bail on a felony charge?
In the State of Texas, there are several criminal offenses considered a felony, a serious crime, with an outcome on various levels of conviction. These different degrees of felony categories are all more severe than a non-felony charge with varying degrees of consequences. Those consequences can include different levels of bail for felony charges as follows:
- State Jail Felony: The crimes may include DWI with a child passenger, theft of property assessed between $2,500 and $30,000, or forgery by check. The bail for felony charges of these charges is typically between $500 and $1,500.
- Third Degree Felony: The crimes included are deadly conduct with a firearm, indecent exposure to a child, intoxication assault, stalking, or third DWI. The bail for felony charges can range between $1,500 and $5,000.
- Second Degree Felony: The crimes of this level can include aggravated assault, intoxication manslaughter, possession of marijuana of 50 to 2,000 pounds, or robbery. The bail for felony charges of this level ranges between $2,500 and $50,000.
- First Degree Felony: The crimes of this level can include aggravated robbery, sexual assault against a child, robbery, arson of a residence resulting in death, or attempted murder. The bail for felony charges of this level can be from $5,000 and $100,000.
- Capital Felony: These crimes can involve premeditated murder, espionage, or treason with bail for felony charges up to $500,000 or more. Bail may be completely denied altogether.
Several other factors determining how bail for felonies works will be up to the judge starting with the bail for felony charges. Other factors determining the bail amount can include a previous conviction, if the defendant is currently on parole or probation, if they are a flight risk, or if the defendant could fail to appear in court for criminal proceedings. The judge may set certain conditions for bail like electronic monitoring or restrictions to stay within a geographical area.
What are examples of a felony?
As in all states, a felony is the most severe type of crime, and punishments are set accordingly. There are non-violent and violent felony crimes, and there are three degrees of felonies in the state of Texas as well as state felony. You may or may not be allowed bail for felony charges for the following:
First-degree felony:
- Aggravated robbery
- Arson causing death
- Attempted murder
Second-degree felony:
- Manslaughter
- Aggravated assault
- Robbery
- Arson
Third-degree felony:
- Indecent exposure to a child
- Tampering with evidence
- Deadly conduct with a firearm
- Stalking
Examples of state jail felony:
- Check forgery
- Theft of between $2,500 and $30,000
- Child endangerment DWI
- Any criminal statute listed as a felony but to no specific degree.
What is the average sentence for a felony?
In Texas, a felony is the most serious of all criminal offenses. There are pre-determined sentencing guidelines for a judge to reference when determining the punishment. This range of punishment can be as short as 180 days jail time to life in prison, with a fine of up to $10,000. The guidelines are similar to the following:
- First-degree felony – Five to ninety-nine years/life imprisonment with fine up to $10,000
- Second-degree felony – Two to twenty years with fine up to $10,000
- Third-degree felony – Two to ten 10 years with fine up to $10,000
- State jail felony – One hundred eighty days to two years with fine up to $10,000
How long does a felony stay on your record?
Does a felony ruin your life? A felony conviction is considered serious enough that the charges become a permanent part of your record. Yes, it can damage your life. It can affect having a bank account and voting, you can no longer own or be in possession of a firearm, and employers and landlords have the right to refuse to rent to you or hire you.
Additionally, the aftereffect of a felony conviction is huge to your family and friends. It can be a financial strain on a family, friends will see you differently, and your reputation is forever marred by a felony charge.
Will companies hire someone with a felony?
It is the determination of the employer, but by law, they are not required to hire anyone with a felony conviction. Most employers choose not to hire anyone with a felony, but those that do will do so based on what the felony charges were and the position the person has applied to.
For example, with a felony for bank robbery, you won’t be hired in a position that handles money or financial books. An auto theft felony will make you undesired for a position driving vehicles and any felony charge regarding children will likely make you undesirable to any employer.
Can you be denied housing because of a felony?
Yes – landlords can refuse to rent to a person with felony charges or convictions. The same is true with banks and mortgage companies, which are not required to loan money to any person with a felony charge or conviction.

In Closing – Is bail jumping a felony?
This will depend on the original charge that lead to being arrested. Bail jumping from a misdemeanor arrest will be considered a misdemeanor. Felony bail jumping will be considered a felony charge. Both are processed accordingly in line with the guidelines set forth by the State of Texas. If you need any help with bail, you can count on ATX Bail Bonds to be there for you – call for information at 512.834.2245.