3 Tips to Avoid a Thanksgiving DWI

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, 41 people died in 31 fatal crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday in 2015. Many people choose to celebrate this holiday by drinking. Although it’s a fun way to relax with friends and family, alcohol can be deadly if you get behind the wheel. Getting a Thanksgiving DWI is easier than you may think. We have a few tips to keep you out of jail and safe this year in order to reduce these statistics.

Thanksgiving DWI

Elect a Trustworthy Designated Driver

Whether someone in your family doesn’t enjoy drinking or simply wants those participating to be safe, elect them the designated driver who won’t drink at all. This will give any drunken passengers a safe ride home. It will also keep anyone with alcohol in their system off the road (and out of jail).

Stay the Night

Which is worse: Missing out on work or other commitments or winding up in jail? If you’ve had too much to drink, ask to crash at the host’s home rather than driving. A good host will appreciate that you didn’t get behind the wheel, even if it feels like you’re imposing.

Call a Ride-Sharing Service

If you find yourself impaired while you’re out in public, call a trusted friend or ride-sharing service to get you home safely. Uber and Lyft are convenient apps you can get on your phone. Some towing companies even offer complimentary lifts during the holidays in order to discourage people from driving drunk.

A Thanksgiving DWI will not only put a damper on the festivities, but it could also take a life to drink and drive. ATX Bail Bonds wants everyone to stay safe this year. Call our trusted Austin, TX bondsmen at 512-834-2245 for Thanksgiving DWI bail bonds if you or a relative winds up in jail this holiday weekend.